Video: Our Favorite Galaxy Fold Features!

Galaxy FoldGalaxy Fold

Now that we have reached a full week with the Samsung Galaxy Fold in house, our time with this first foldable from Samsung is coming to an end. To wrap-up coverage, we’ll have a write-up with some final thoughts, as well as this here, a video of our favorite features that help make this device instantly likable.

In this clip, we dive into multiple screen experiences from the front cover display to the inside, foldable panel. We show off app continuity between the two, how to run three apps at a time in multi-window, and what kinds of extra tweaks Samsung has done to the UI to make it foldable-ready. We also show off the three separate sets of cameras and talk about why this phone is a hopeful beginning to a category that a lot of people might find useful.

Here are our favorite Galaxy Fold features!

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 10:15 am