T-Mobile Will Let You Test Drive Their Network With a Free Hotspot for 30 Days

T-Mobile Test Drive

T-Mobile wants you to test out their 600MHz Extended Range LTE so badly that they are giving away free service for 30 days. Through their Test Drive program, you can sign-up right now to grab a free hotspot device that will let you play with T-Mobile’s network without charge.

What’s the point? T-Mobile thinks you’ll be impressed by their recent network upgrades and knows that trying out other networks is often expensive and a pain in the ass. So, with Test Drive, you can try their service at no cost.

How does it work? You hit that link below, jump to the “Lets get started” section and fill out the form. Assuming you qualify and are not a current customer (that would be weird), you’ll get the T-Mobile hotspot device that is pictured above, along with a SIM card that gives you 30 days worth of service or 30GBs of data. The hotspot will connect over T-Mobile’s 600MHz Extended Range LTE, which you can then broadcast as a WiFi signal to your other devices as a way to test their network.

What happens after 30 days or 30GB? The service must just shutoff at that point because T-Mobile says you can return the device to any T-Mo store or pass it on to a friend to use. They don’t seem that worried about what happens to the device once you test with it, although I’d imagine they’ll send you an offer or three to get you to permanently sign-up.

Sound good? That link is below.

Sign-up for T-Mobile Test Drive

// T-Mobile

This post was last modified on August 28, 2019 8:39 am