Google Allo Says “Goodbye” Today

Google Allo DeathGoogle Allo Death

Google Allo is done, friends. This is it. Today is the last day for you to use Google Allo.

Since none of you ever used it, this shouldn’t be a painful few hours of final moments. However, if you did use it that one time when it first launched and want to back up that test conversation and sticker share, you can export your chats. Google has instructions for doing so here.

Sorry if you want more on the background of Allo and why it failed or died, but I have no energy for such things. Allo was a bad and flawed product from day 1 that never saw the improvements it would need to succeed. Google sucks at messaging 6 out of the 7 days in a week, so this shouldn’t surprise you.

Hangouts is still alive and grindin’, though! For now.

// Google