Google’s March Patch Includes the Pixel 3 Performance Fixes We’ve Been Needing

Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XLPixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL

The March security patch is now live for Pixel owners, and while we’re always happy about improved security, we’ve been a bit more focused on the performance issues experienced on the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL.

Listed inside of this month’s patch, Google directly addresses the issues we’ve been talking about, such as camera boot-up times and Bluetooth connectivity. According to the patch notes, these issues should be fixed.

Here’s exactly what Google lists.

A-122471935CameraImproves Startup and responsiveness of Camera appPixel 3, Pixel 3 XL
PerformanceImproves recovery in the instance of OTA update failurePixel 3, Pixel 3XL
A-120920537PerformanceImproves storage performance on Pixel 3 devicesPixel 3, Pixel3 XL
A-119776006BluetoothImproves bluetooth reliability on Pixel 3 devicesPixel 3, Pixel3 XL
MediaImproves playback of encrypted media on some video appsPixel 3, Pixel3 XL

Pixel owners, please let us know if you’re seeing improved performance following the March update. Fingers crossed.