You Should be Getting the Big White Gmail Update Right Now

Gmail Update RefreshGmail Update Refresh

The super extra all-white version of Gmail for Android that Google announced back in January is rolling out widely at the moment. If you did not let yourself become an APK brodog on that sideload game, now is your time to see if the new Gmail is for you.

What’s new in the new Gmail (v9.1.13)? Well, outside of the whiteness, you’ll be able to easily view attachments without opening or scrolling through a conversation. It’s all “Material” and stuff now, plus account switching has been made easier too, and is accessed in the top right corner of the search bar. You can choose from different density views that will show you more or less in your inbox (Default, Comfortable, and Compact). And that might be it.

It’s still no Inbox. RIP.

To check for the update, hit up that link below from your phone or open Google Play and see if you have updates available (you should).

Google Play Link

This post was last modified on February 19, 2019 5:25 pm