Video: First Look at Samsung One UI Beta on Galaxy S9!


Samsung’s One UI Beta is here as Android Pie and we’ve got it up and running on a Galaxy S9! Yes, friends, depending on the Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9+ you own, you too could be running this fresh new Android skin from Samsung.

In the video below, we take you on a brief tour of the big changes with a big focus on the UI tweaks that look pretty good to me. This UI comes off as a good mixture of both Google and Samsung’s takes on how Android should look. So far, I think the combination might be a winner from a company whose design ideas we haven’t been fans of in years.

You’ll also see the Night Mode, gesture navigation option, tweaks to Always-on Display, floating keyboard, Camera’s scene optimizer, and more.

What other cool things are you finding? Everyone who signed-up, you enjoying the new One UI?

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 10:14 am