Verizon Seems to Think Android 9.0 “P” is Coming to Pixel Phones Today (Updated)

Android PAndroid P

Since it’s the first Monday of the month, Google should be releasing the August security patch to its Pixel and Nexus phones. But being the month that we also expect Android P to arrive in stable form, we were curious if Google would push an initial security patch to Oreo today before releasing stable Android P in a couple of weeks. Verizon, at least according to support pages, appears to believe that Android P or Android 9.0 might be ready as early as today.

This morning, Verizon updated the Google Pixel software support page to show that Android P is ready for customers. The update says that Big Red is “pleased to announce a new software update for your Google Pixel” that is “Android 9.0 P.”

The software build for this release is PPR1.180610.009.

The details of update mention Google Slices, app actions within the app drawer, and a simpler UX with the pill and gesture navigation. These are Android P features and the screenshots included are also of Android P, including one of P on a Pixel 2 XL.

But here’s the thing – we thought August 20 might actually be the day for stable Android P. Also, Verizon doesn’t seem to know the name of Android P, which is kind of a big part of the stable version’s reveal. They simply refer to it as “Android 9.0 P.” If the update were dropping today, I’d imagine they would refer to it as Android 9.0 “Peppermint” or whatever it could be.

Additionally, Verizon didn’t yet include a rollout date for this update. They almost always include a date with these support pages to let customers know when to get ready, which could mean there is confusion on their end. Perhaps they posted the wrong changelog instead of the just the security patch we expect here in a couple of hours?

We’ll be on the lookout for any changes.

// Verizon

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 11:33 am