Download: Samsung Galaxy S9 Wallpapers

Feeling a few of the wallpapers you’ve seen so far on the Galaxy S9? Thanks to SamMobile, we now have all of the included wallpapers that come with the device available for download and use on any other device.

In total there are 19 wallpapers, most of which are sized at 2560×2560. That should be good enough for any phone you’re using, plus even your desktop monitor.

If you’re curious what types of styling you’ll see, there are a few color gradient options, the above dandelion paper, standard “S9” papers, as well as the triangular look in a few different colors. We’ve placed a few examples below.

To get these on your device, follow the link below to download the entire zip folder, unzip the wallpapers, then place them on either your desktop or phone. From there, go ahead and set them as your wallpaper.

Download Here