Cricket Wireless Quietly Kills Off 12GB and 8GB Data Plan Options

cricket wireless data planscricket wireless data plans

Cricket Wireless tweaked its data plan line-up again by eliminating two of their bigger data options. Their 8GB and 12GB choices are no longer available for new customers, leaving us only with 2GB, 5GB and two separate unlimited plans.

The change to the line-up arrives unannounced after Cricket just got done adding more data to its two lower tier options earlier in the month. Actually, the change may have been in the works at that same time, since the two unlimited options overlap the 8GB and 12GB choices in terms of pricing, it’s jut that Cricket wasn’t shouting out that fact. Either way, they fully removed the 8GB and 12GB choices on November 8, five days later.

The 8GB plan used to cost $50 per month, while the 12GB plan was $60.

For now, if you want Cricket service and need more than 5GB of data per month, you’ll have to choose from Unlimited 2 or Unlimited. Unlimited 2 sounds like smartphone hell in that it only serves up always-throttled download speeds of 3Mbps. It costs $55 per month. The regular Unlimited plan costs $60 per month and is at least only throttled to the Cricket standard of 8Mbps at all times.

// Cricket

Cheers Tom!