Google is Going to Show You Video Previews Now in Search Results

google video previewsgoogle video previews

I don’t know that video previews were something I was ever looking for when performing Google searches, but they are coming and they could be cool. Google announced this afternoon that alongside the short text snippets you see for results, you may also find GIF-style previews of videos that autoplay and show you a bit of the fun before you tap through.

To see this in action, check out the animated GIF below. If you’ve used YouTube at all recently then you’ll know how this works. Basically, as you flip through optional video results, as you stop on each one, a brief preview will play. It helps you decide if this is the video you want or if you should jump off to the next

Google says that the change starts rolling out today, but won’t reach most until next week. At that time, you’ll find this experience in the Google App and Chrome on Android. The previews are set to autoplay when you are on WiFi, though you can enable them on mobile networks too if that’s your style.

// Google