Firefox Focus Browser Now Available for Android, Includes Ad Blocking

firefox focusfirefox focus

Firefox Focus, once available only to iOS devices, is now available on Google Play for Android. Focus is Firefox’s more privacy-focused mobile browser, highlighting the ability to block annoying ads and wiping your browsing history quickly. It’s all about privacy inside of Focus.

As listed by Firefox, there are three main keys to this launch. If a user wants to view how many ads are being blocked, that is now available. In addition, users can disable the ad tracking blocker if things aren’t working correctly, plus you will also find a notification reminder whenever the browser is running in the background. If you tap on this notification, you can erase your browsing history and close the app down.

Here is exactly what’s new in this release for Android:

  • Ad tracker counter – For the curious, there’s a counter to list the number of ads that are blocked per site while using the app.
  • Disable tracker blocker – For sites that are not loading correctly, you can disable the tracker blocker to quickly take care of it and get back to where you’ve left off.
  • Notification reminder – When Focus is running in the background, we’ll remind you through a notification and you can easily tap to erase your browsing history.

The Firefox Focus browser is available for free on Google Play, and if you’re interested, follow the link below to get started.

Play Link

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 11:30 am