Look, a Shiny New Droid Life!

new droid life logonew droid life logo

Today, after a heck of a lot of work over a number of months dating back to last year, we are proud to launch the latest version of Droid Life. I’ve lost track of which version this is, but it’s by far the biggest overhaul we have ever done. I hope you guys like it as much as we do. 

We worked with the folks at Murmur Creative, a Portland-based design and branding company that has really helped us capture a vision for Droid Life that can take us into the next handful of years and beyond. When we sat down with them, we talked a lot about not only the direction we’d like the site to go in, but how we can really become our own unique brand. So not only do we have a fancy new website for you to play with and read every day, we have a shiny new logo and much more fine-tuned color scheme that is, well, hot af.

See, look at this! ?

new droid life logo graynew droid life logo gray

And it even comes in multiple ? forms.

Why should you care? Because that means new swag, silly, should you be into DL gear and that sort of thing. More on that here in a bit.

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Moving on, though. The new site!

Yes, we have a pretty major overhaul here to the site so many of you visit every single day. In many ways, it’ll look familiar, but we’ve done some things to modernize the overall look, while also better placing the items you need to get to and removing a whole bunch of wasted space. The entire design is much more compact and fitting to whichever screen you are using. And of course, this site is responsive just like the site has been for years.

For one, that new top header of the front page allows you to get in, see what’s new and what we may have featured at the moment as a “must read,” and then get out if you want. Hopefully, you hang around for a while, because as you move throughout, you’ll continue to find new content easily, but also special sections with our reviews, YouTube content, deals, podcasts, etc. In fact, our podcast page is 100% new, fresh, and custom.

I’m also super excited about the new mobile site, which really is a massive, massive improvement. I know this might sound crazy, but the little things that were broken on the old site and now fixed, like adding a functional menu and pinch-to-zoom (!), have made the testing experience so good. You can even swipe through featured article sections, almost as if it were a native app.

Anyways, feel free to poke around and let us know if anything looks too wonky or you see issues. We’ll be sure to fix anything that pops up as we continue tweaking some stuff on our end. Then, enjoy!

This post was last modified on June 16, 2017 12:26 pm