AT&T 5G Evolution Goes Live Today in Austin, 20 More Cities by End of Year

att 5g evolution citiesatt 5g evolution cities

AT&T’s first 5G Evolution market goes live today and can be taken advantage of by owners of the Samsung Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8+. If you are in Austin, TX, you’ll find connection to this next-level network in “select areas” right now. Time to go hunting!

In related news, AT&T also announced that they plan to light up over 20 “major metro areas” by the end of 2017 with similar 5G Evolution speeds. They haven’t posted a full list of those, but areas in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Indianapolis (this summer), Los Angeles, Nashville, and San Francisco will get the love. 

What should you expect from 5G Evolution? I like to call it faux 5G because full 5G is supposed to be Gigabit speed, yet AT&T is only telling you to expect top download speeds of around 400Mbps. That’s still crazy fast for a phone connection, but that’s also why this is called “5G Evolution” and not “5G.” 5G standards are still being settled at this time. However, AT&T has the tech ready to pump out faster speeds and so they are doing just that with these Evolution markets.

Folks in Austin with a Galaxy S8, I need speed test results now.

Via: AT&T