Gboard on Android Gets GIF and Emoji Suggestions, Improved Voice Typing, More

gboard android updategboard android update

Gboard on Android is receiving an update this week that introduces a decent list of new features. From emoji and GIF suggestions, to improve voice typing, and Google Translate within, Google’s keyboard is turning into the little powerful input beast we always dreamed of owning. 

Once you receive the update, you’ll start to see suggestions for emoji or GIFs in the prediction bar. In the GIF below, an example is a person typing out a response that includes “sushi” and seeing the sushi emoji there. It should work with GIFs as well.

With new voice typing, Google says to expect a new interface that makes it easier than ever to get your message across by voice. Additionally, there are new backdrops (or themes) for your keyboard to help spruce up your daily tapping experience.

Finally, Gboard now includes translation powers within itself. All you have to do is tap the Google icon in the keyboard, then choose the new translate option. From there, you can choose the translation you’d like, then start typing and send! (See the GIF below for visuals.)

The update should be rolling out.

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Via: Google