HTC U Ultra: First 10 Things to Do

first 10 things htc u ultrafirst 10 things htc u ultra

The HTC U Ultra is going to be a tough sell, I fully understand that. The phone is expensive, it’s not sold through a single US carrier, and HTC already told us to expect another upgraded phone in the near future with a Snapdragon 835. Still, we know that some of you will go through with buying a U Ultra (hopefully at a discounted price) and we’re here to help you out.

After unboxing the device earlier in the week, we’re now diving into the good stuff – the stuff where we help you get the most out of your new phone. With pre-orders of US models supposedly shipping, some of you may have devices on doorsteps within a matter of hours. For you, let’s dive into the first 10 things to do with your HTC U Ultra. 

In the clip below, we’ll walk through some basics, like tossing in a microSD card or setting up a fingerprint, but we’ll also cover Motion Launch Gestures, take you through the secondary ticker display settings, and make sure you utilize the included USonic earbuds and get a proper audio profile setup.

Let’s do it!
