Samsung Working on New Gear VR and Device Similar to HoloLens


Samsung VP, Sung-Hoon Hong, recently stated at the Virtual Reality Summit in California that Samsung is busy working on future products for the VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) spaces. Specifically, for VR, Samsung will soon launch a new Gear VR headset, technically being the fifth iteration of its vision for virtual reality. 

While Hong claims the new Gear VR will be presented “in a short time,” no specifics were mentioned on what might be new. However, with big design changes rumored for the Galaxy S8 line, it’s possible the new Gear VR will suit whatever needs that phone may require.

On the AR front, Samsung is also working on a Microsoft HoloLens-like product, as well as a light field engine. Think hologram Tupac. According to Hong, the product can produce “really, really realistic holograms,” and “it looks really touchable.”

As for when we might expect to see more details, Samsung points to MWC 2017 (February).

If a new Gear VR is something you need, expect to see it around the time the Galaxy S8 is unveiled. At least, that’s our best guess.

Via: The Verge