Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Updated With Rogue One Heroes Pack, Includes K-2SO

An update for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is now available on Google Play, incorporating a Heroes Pack based on the upcoming Star Wars story, Rogue One. 

In the update, players will find free access to the Rogue One Heroes Pack, which includes K-2SO. For those not in the know, K-2SO is the new droid that will be featured in the Rogue One movie. You’ll also find a few more characters for your battling needs. The update also details other “exclusive” content access, but doesn’t go into further detail.

Also, semi-related, has anyone watched Film Theorists’ video about the possible ties between Rogue One and Episode 8? Boy, oh boy.

Check out the update by following the link below.

Play Link

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 10:10 am