Google’s New Trusted Contacts App Helps Loved Ones Find You


The smartphone in our pocket is often the most powerful tool we use within a day. From securing passwords in apps or services to telling us up-to-the-minute weather forecasts and the best way to navigate around time, our phones do a lot. But what if they could be better at your personal security? Google thinks they have a solution and it’s called Trusted Contacts

The app is new, having just launched today, and acts as a status monitor of your well-being for close friends and family. It works by allowing you to add those closest to you, so that you can share your location at any time or they can request your location should they be worried about your status. And that’s it really, but it’s probably an app worth installing should you ever run into trouble.

Trusted Contacts allows you to live broadcast your exact location to your list of contacts, share with individual contacts, send out alerts to all or select people, and even give those the power to request your location. If you are lost or abducted or your phone dies, they can even get the most recent location before the phone shut off. When location is requested, you can decline the request as well, assuming you are OK.

The app may not be one you use every day or even monthly, but again, it could come in handy should you even run into a sticky situation and need to let people know your whereabouts.

Play Link

Via:  Google

This post was last modified on December 5, 2016 12:18 pm