Samsung Intros Rewards Program for Samsung Pay, Earn Points Towards New Devices or Visa Prepaid Cards

samsung pay gear s2samsung pay gear s2

Samsung Pay is introducing a rewards program for users this week, one that will have you racking up points for redemption towards new Samsung products, Visa prepaid cards, or even trips to Napa Valley or Las Vegas.

Samsung Rewards works like many other credit card rewards programs, but the added bonus is that it works for debit cards, too. Provided you use Samsung Pay to make a plentiful amount of purchases throughout the course of a month, you earn points on your Samsung account. There are varying loyalty tiers of point earning, such as double or even quadruple point earning, depending on how many purchases you make via Samsung Pay. 

Samsung will also be partnering with select retailers to provide ways of earning additional points. For example, Samsung could partner with North Face in the winter time, then any time you purchase a product from North Face using Samsung Pay, you can earn extra points. To sum up the entire experience, the more you spend through Samsung Pay, the more points you will earn for redemption.

Now, as for what you can redeem with all of your points, Samsung claims you can get Samsung products, vouchers for, a Visa Prepaid card, as well as gift cards to some of the “country’s leading retailers.” On top of that, Samsung will also be hosting “Instant Wins,” which includes trips to Napa Valley and Las Vegas.

Samsung Rewards is scheduled to kick off this week, but in the coming weeks and months, Samsung states that the rewards program will make its way into other products and services from the company.

Great, all the more reason for me to hate my current bank for not supporting Samsung Pay.

Via: Samsung