How to Tell if Your New Galaxy Note 7 is Safe

galaxy note 7 reviewgalaxy note 7 review

New Galaxy Note 7 stock, without the exploding battery feature, will arrive no later than September 21, according to Samsung. Because Samsung attached that “no later than” part to their re-stock announcement last week, there is a good chance that your carrier or retailer of choice already has exchange devices available. And because they do, that also means you might have a new Note 7 to pickup (at least one of our readers picked one up Saturday) and are probably wondering how you can tell if this new Note 7 in your pocket is safe or not. Samsung provided official details on all of that this morning. 

Like we reported on Friday, Samsung will indeed make the battery indicator on new phones green to show that you are using a Note 7 that is from the new safe wave. They will use the new green indicator in three places: 1) Status Bar; 2) Always On Display screen; and 3) Power Off prompt screen. There will be green sh*t all over your phone, folks.

This new green indicator won’t necessarily be there out of the box, though. Over the weekend, we Tweeted this photo, which shows a new Note 7 with the original white battery indicator. We questioned the lack of greenness at the time, but Samsung is now saying that a software update will change the indicator to the new green tint. That seems…well, not the best approach. How many people won’t install an update to change it? How many non-nerds who are scared of technology avoid software updates? Either way, your phone won’t have a green indicator out of the box and instead will need a software update to make it so.

If your battery indicator is not green, you do have two other ways to check. For one, the you can look on the bottom of your new Note 7’s box. You should have a black box in the top right corner on the bottom label. Below, you’ll see Samsung’s example and how it looks on a real box.

And finally, if you don’t have a box, you can always use Samsung’s IMEI checker. You can visit their site and use the checker or you can also jump into the Samsung+ app, as it also has the checker.

Everyone able to pick up new Note 7s and verify that they are the new batch?

Via: Samsung
Cheers Michael!