Friday Poll: Who is Your Current Wireless Carrier?

best wireless carrierbest wireless carrier

It’s been a year since the last time we asked which carrier you are using for your mobile phone needs, so it’s time to update our numbers.

Last year, the majority of voters were rocking Verizon, with Big Red capturing nearly 60% of the vote. Following Verizon was T-Mobile at 20%, then AT&T with 9%. Sprint, which got less votes than the total of “Prepaid or Other,” had 3% of the vote.

This time, to get a sense of which prepaid options people are using, we have included the names of the top US prepaid carriers, so let us know exactly who you are using.

Extra credit if you feel like telling us how you think your carrier is performing.

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This post was last modified on August 19, 2016 2:27 pm