Video: 20+ HTC 10 Tips and Tricks

htc 10 tips and trickshtc 10 tips and tricks

HTC and their handful of carrier partners still won’t share with us the exact launch date of the HTC 10, so at this point, we are really just putting it all out there in preparation for that day should it come without warning. We have taken tours, told you the first 10 things you should do, compared it to the Galaxy S7 and G5, and even fired off a bunch of camera shots from the phone. You should know almost all there is to know about this phone at this point. Well, our full review will dive into the rest, but you probably already know enough to form some solid opinions as you continue to wait.

With that in mind, there is one or two remaining videos to do to wrap this all up. The first is our 20+ tips and tricks video, which will take you through an in-depth look at how you can get the most of your device. 

In this video, we walk through some of the items from that “first 10 things you should do” video, but then take it a step further by diving into screen pinning and exiting, using Zoe and Pro camera modes, quickly adding your apps to folders, Smart Lock, and why you should ditch HTC’s really terrible stock keyboard.

Here we go – 20+ HTC 10 tips and tricks!


This post was last modified on February 11, 2019 8:38 pm