Nextbit: CDMA Robin Shipments Delayed a Couple of Months


Nextbit is pushing back the shipping date of the Robin smartphone for CDMA networks, the company announced through its Kickstarter page. In an update to backers, the company admits it was being a bit, “optimistic,” and “got a little carried away,” in the excitement of a successful campaign.

The CDMA Robin was previously estimated to ship to backers in February, but now, Nextbit states that April is more realistic. While the company has no concrete date set, as there are a “number of factors outside our control,” Nextbit claims that they will keep all backers informed on what is taking place. 

To put the situation simply, Nextbit was not planning to create a CDMA Robin until they saw demand for it through the Kickstarter. As we all know, testing and receiving certification for a device to operate on Verizon’s (and Sprint’s) network is not the easiest task, and can take quite a bit of time. The late start on development, in addition to the required certification is essentially what went wrong. However, with Nextbit claiming it should only be a two month delay, that’s still better than what we have seen from companies such as Saygus.

If you pre-ordered the Robin for CDMA through Kickstarter, please feel free to vent your frustrations below in the comment section.

Here is the message to all backers.

You want the future to be here already. You want your Robin today. We feel the same way. We know CDMA backers want to know when their Robins will arrive. We wanted to wait until we could give you an exact date, but we can’t wait anymore.

The CDMA Robin wasn’t in development until we saw your response on Kickstarter, and we got a little carried away in the excitement of the campaign. When we estimated we would deliver CDMA Robin in February, we were being optimistic. Now that we’ve gone through development and are working out the testing schedule, we think April is more realistic. We don’t know exactly when in April as there are still a number of factors outside our control. We will keep you up to date, as we get more and more information.

We know this isn’t the type of news you want to hear and we’re sorry. We’d love to tell you all the Robins would ship in February like we planned, or at least give you an exact date. Stay true, Rebels. We are gonna do this.

Via: Kickstarter

This post was last modified on January 22, 2016 2:16 pm