Please Ignore: Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge Cases are All Over Amazon Already With April 1 Release Dates

spigen galaxy s7 casespigen galaxy s7 case

Our favorite time of the year! (That’s sarcasm, by the way.)

Before our inbox fills up with, “ZOMG Galaxy S7 cases, with April 1 release dates!” and our RSS apps are blowing up with “MASSIVE GALAXY S7 LEAK” stories, we thought we’d jump out in front of this one. Yes, case makers are already taking to Amazon with their products that will support the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge. Should you look into any of this as a leak or hot tip as to what you can expect from Samsung in the next month or so? No, not really. 

This happens every year. Case makers put out cases to support upcoming products to jump into headlines (Hey, it worked again!), but also to start working on those search rankings and fill up on hype-based pre-orders. You see, case makers get every single little measurement about upcoming phones because they need to be able to build precisely designed and measured cases that are available at launch. These companies actually do sort of know, at least in terms of shape and look, what to expect from new phones like the Galaxy S7. And so they put up listings for cases that are mocked up to look in a way like what we might see. They typically use imagery from past phones or from renders made from fan sites to fill up their case mock-ups and get fankids excited.

Most of the time (unless you get full-blown CAD recreations of leaked schematics), these case postings show us nothing because case makers can’t exactly out products ahead of time or they’d be shooting themselves in the foot. They need access to early dimensions and designs. If not, well, they are then months behind their competitors.

Soooooo, yes, you’ll see Galaxy S7 cases all over the place from now until the phone is announced (likely at MWC next month). Try not to get too excited. Try not to buy into the headlines.

Wait, why are you still reading through here? I told you to “Please ignore.”

Amazon Links: Spigen Cases | GOOSPERY Cases