Google App Update Introduces Quick Screen Sharing Feature to Now on Tap

now on tap sharenow on tap share

Ever wanted to quickly snap a screenshot of something and then share with a friend, only you don’t have the fingers necessary to do Android’s simultaneous press of Power+Volume Down? Or maybe you just don’t want to do that action, then go find the notification for it or screenshot taken before sharing? An update to the Google app (might be the beta as v5.7.13.19) that started rolling out last night adds a new feature to Now on Tap that will make this all easier. 

In the update, we are seeing a new share button when Now on Tap is activated, in the bottom left corner, that takes screenshots and then lets you quickly share them! I know, I know, this doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but it is actually pretty handy. From any screen, even if Now on Tap doesn’t find anything, you can hit the share button and send your screen, sans status and navigation bars. It also doesn’t save the image to your phone, gobbling up unnecessary space.

This is how it looks/works:

And this is what your screenshots look like:

Pretty sweet, right?

Update to the latest version of the Google App to get it (or join the beta program). Of course, you’ll need to be on Marshmallow too. (Edit:  Could also be a server side switch, for those not seeing it.)

Play Link | Download Link (apk, arm64)

Cheers +Nick M!

This post was last modified on December 11, 2015 9:32 am