Fallout Shelter Update Brings Pets, Dweller Evictions, Sell All Inventory Options

Fallout ShelterFallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter

A major update for Fallout Shelter is rolling out to vault managers through Google Play, bringing with it ways to increase high-yield dweller communities, as well as 4-legged companions, aka pets! For pets, their main purpose will be to increase vault happiness and productivity, which leads to better daily coin bonuses.

If your vault is already at max capacity, then get ready for mass exodus, as the update includes the ability to evict any dweller you choose. This will help you breed a race of only the best, most productive vault dwellers. The developers also taught dwellers additional language skills when conversing with members of the opposite sex.

Check the full list of changes below. 

What’s New

  • Vault-Tec research has shown that 4-legged companions can have a profound impact on Vault happiness and productivity. Introducing Pets!
  • Vault-Tec has received reports of some Dwellers not pulling their weight. Overseers are now authorized to permanently evict these lazy layabouts! Welcome to the Wasteland, slackers…
  • Bored with the same pickup lines and conversations?  Dwellers have finally learned some new ways to impress other dwellers and the opposite sex.
  • Excessive tapping causing frustration when trying to clear out excess inventory?  Overseers will love the new sell all options.
  • Dweller management improvements and new objectives should help experienced Overseers keep things running smoothly.
  • Even more Vault-Tec certified improvements and optimizations. Because you can never have enough improvements or optimizations.

The update is live on Google Play, so go grab it!

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