FYI: Google for Work Accounts Not Supported in Google Music’s Family Plan

google music family plangoogle music family plan

So I just opened up my Google Play Music app and cruised into Settings to try to sign-up for the new family plan, but I can’t. Nope, I can’t. Because I use a Google for Work or (GApps) account, I am apparently barred from doing so. According to the screenshot above, you have to sign-up using a personal Google account only. 

That’s unfortunate for one major reason. My Google for Work account is the account I basically use for everything, including Google Play Music. I have all of my playlists and my library attached to this account. If I want to use Google’s new family plan, I now have to switch over to a personal account and basically start over from zero. That’s a whole bunch of years of work I don’t really want to get into, again. Ugh.

I guess…I’ll start getting to work on that personal account…see you in three years.

This post was last modified on December 9, 2015 12:47 pm