If You Received a DM on Twitter From Verizon Offering a $50 Gift Card, Don’t Worry, It’s Legit

verizon 5gverizon 5g

If you entered into the DROID Seeker game last week, where Verizon was giving away 200 DROID Turbo 2 smartphones, you may have encountered problems. Queues were jacked up, people were skipping other players, and folks were generally not happy with the experience.

To help apologize for any poor experiences, Verizon is direct messaging users on Twitter, offering them a $50 gift card for use on whatever they want. Naturally, as Verizon did not publicly announce they would be doing this, we got many emails asking if these gift cards were in fact legit, and not some type of scam. 

The messages on Twitter were coming from the verified @Verizon account, so we reached out to Verizon PR for official word, and received the following message.

It is true and Verizon did offer $50 gift cards to customers who experienced technical difficulties while trying to participate.

Now that we all know the $50 is legit, try not to spend it all in one place.