Google Play Games Updated With Record & Share Feature

Calling all mobile gamers who wish to share their gaming experiences with the world, you may now do so. Thanks to an update for Google Play Games, you can now record any gameplay you do on your smartphone, then edit and share that gameplay footage directly to YouTube. Not to confuse this with YouTube Gaming, which allows you to stream gameplay to YouTube, Google Play Games is an offline option for those who wish to do a bit of editing before allowing the world to view it. 

When recording, you can choose any game on your device, then opt for either 480p or 720p (HD) recording. Then, select if you want your beautiful face and voice to be present, and start playing. Once your session is complete, you can trim, edit, and then upload directly to YouTube.

The update is now live on Google Play, so have at it.

Play Link: Google Play Games


Via: Android