Google Ups APK Limit on Google Play to 100MB


Developers, Google is increasing the size of APK files that you can upload to Google Play to 100MB. This doubles the previous 50MB limit, giving you the opportunity to speed up the install process for your customers. 

Going forward, this also means that Google is upping the limit before you see a warning about the data you are about to swallow. Previously, Google would warn you if you were about to download something over 50MB, but that is now increased to the new limit of 100MB. Of course, the default setting for Google Play is still to auto-update over WiFi, so as bigger APKs make their way onto your phone, you should be safe from destroying your data plan.

Finally, if you have apps that have are larger than 100MB, you can still host the rest through expansion files.

Via: Android Developers

This post was last modified on September 28, 2015 10:10 am