This is Probably What the New Nest (3rd Gen) Looks Like

nest 3rd gennest 3rd gen

Well, that picture above is of the mostly unmarked, yet subtly branded box that is being sent to testers of the new device, I’ve been told. In fact, I wouldn’t be shocked if the retail packaging from Nest is slightly different for the new Nest Thermostat, with much more imagery. Below, you will find what is more than likely an image of the brand new Nest Learning Thermostat (3rd gen)

Why do I say that? Take a look closely at the comparison of the picture labeled “new” to the picture labeled “old.” See the difference? Yep, the display. The brand new Nest, which we are pretty damn sure cruised through the FCC last week under FCC ID ZQAT30, has a bigger display than its 2nd gen brother.

Outside of that, well, it’s anyone’s guess as to what Nest packed inside there. My guess is that it’ll ship with newer software and have improve sensors. But I think the big deal here is the display. Who doesn’t love a brand new, big ol’ display?

As we learn more, we’ll do our best to pass it all along.

This post was last modified on August 26, 2015 6:47 pm