Google Messenger, Google’s Good Messaging App, Got New Features Today

android messagesandroid messages

Google’s Messenger application, the messaging app with an modern UI that they actually update regularly with awesome features (looking at you, Hangouts), received an update today that, well, introduces awesome new features. In the update, which drops in as v1.4.044, you will find stickers (plus sticker pack add-ons) and the ability to share your location. 

You will find both the stickers and location sharing options through the attachment button. A swipe up in the sticker screen will expand your sticker selection to a full screen experience that gives you the opportunity to add on additional sticker packs. If I’m being honest, I can’t help but give Google a thumbs up for these – most are well done and just silly enough to make them useful and fun. The stickers send as MMS with animations.

As for the location sharing, Google is letting you quickly share your exact location or you can swipe up to an expanded map view with search and location selecting. The locations share as an MMS with a clickable images of the map, plus a link that will open the location in Google Maps.

You can update through Google Play or via .apk below.

Play Link | Download Link (apk)

This post was last modified on November 3, 2016 1:43 pm