If you are the type of person who has dozens of different phone and tablet chargers lying around your house after collecting devices over the years, you have probably run into situations where you thought your phone with this cable or that adapter wasn’t charging as quickly as it should. With the help of today’s DL Deal, the Smart Micro USB Charge Kit ($17), those combinations of adapter and cable that cause slow fill-ups could be a thing of the past.
The Smart Micro USB Charge Kit acts as a middle man between your phone and wall adapter to try and tell you if your phone is getting a full amount of juice as it charges. It ranks your charge like a cell phone signal, with a 5 bar rating. It’s as if it’s measuring signal strength to let you know if your phone is getting the best connection to your charger. The idea here is that the better the connection, the faster your phone charges.
It’s $17 for a limited time if you are interested.
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