Deal: Just $12.99 for This Quick Charge 2.0 Adapter

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Back in January, I expressed my love for Qualcomm’s Quick Charge 2.0 technology that allows you to charge your phone at pretty insane speeds when compared to your typical USB charger. The technology has been made famous by Motorola within the last year, thanks to their use of it as a selling feature in the new Moto X, DROID Turbo, and Nexus 6. They are also selling a $35 Turbo Charger that can give your phone hours of use in just a few minutes time. But Quick Charge 2.0 is in more than Motorola devices. In fact, the HTC One (M8) from early last year has it, as does the Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact, and Galaxy Note 4. That’s right, most of the popular phones released within the last year have the technology built in.

Unfortunately, most official OEM Quick Charge 2.0 chargers aren’t cheap, so many of you have avoided buying any. Like I mentioned, Motorola sells their Turbo Charger for a whopping $35, but HTC also has a quick charge adapter that runs $35 too.

If you want a lower cost charger, you currently have to turn to places like Amazon. There are a handful of third party accessory makers now making Quick Charge 2.0 adapters, one of which is Tenergy, who just so happens to be hosting a Lightning deal over at Amazon at the moment. For just $12.99, you can grab yourself a Quick/Turbo charger and realize why I think it’s the future of charging.

As of right now, the deal is 41% claimed, so you may want to hurry.

Deal Link



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