OnePlus Available to Purchase Every Tuesday Without “Beloved” Invite System


People are still very excited about the OnePlus One, according to…OnePlus. Unfortunately for those still dripping in sweaty excitement, the phone is still too difficult to buy. No way! OnePlus One? Difficult? Never. To help fix the problem, OnePlus is starting a new initiative for buying their phone that takes you out of their “beloved” invite system. Seriously, they called it “beloved,” as in, they like the thing.

Anyways, every Tuesday going forward, OnePlus will open up sales of the One for 24 hours, starting at 8AM London time (midnight Pacific). During that time, the phone will be available in either Silk White (16GB) or Sandstone Black (64GB). However, after the 24 hour period expires, in comes the invite system once again.


If you missed it, check out our first ever “You Decided,” where users chose the OnePlus One over the LG G3 and Xperia Z3 in a battle to the death.

Below is an email being sent around with details about the Tuesday open sales:

Dear Friends,

We’ve been shipping the OnePlus One for half a year, and nowadays we’re bumping into lots of people using it when we’re out and about. It’s incredibly exciting for us, but we always strive to do better. Although we have an active and supportive fanbase, a lot of people have interest in the One but have told us that it’s just too difficult to buy. We believe that great things should be shared. Thus, it’s been our goal from the beginning to put our products into the hands of as many people as possible.

Over the past few months, we’ve been exploring new ways of making the OnePlus One easier to purchase. The overall amount of available invites has increased significantly, but we’ve also held pre-order and open sales events, allowing for purchases without the need for an invite. During these events, we have been collecting data and fine-tuning our production schedules.

Today, we’re glad to announce that we’re making it even easier to buy the One.

Every Tuesday, we will open up sales for 24 hours, starting at 8 am London time (midnight in Los Angeles; 4 pm in Hong Kong). The OnePlus One will be available without an invite in both 16GB Silk White and 64GB Sandstone Black.

This doesn’t mean that our beloved invite system is going away, and it will continue to be the standard method for purchasing the One during the remaining 6 days of the week. And, you will still receive invites to share with friends whenever you buy a One, even on Tuesdays.

As a young tech startup, we’re constantly experimenting, iterating and improving. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and coming with us on this journey. We wouldn’t be where we are without you, and you are all as much a part of OnePlus as we are.

Never Settle.

The OnePlus Team

This post was last modified on May 24, 2017 10:09 am