Google: We Couldn’t Keep Up With Demand for the Nexus 6

nexus 6 stagefrightnexus 6 stagefright

During Google’s investor relations call that took place this afternoon to address their Q4 earnings numbers, CFO Patrick Pichette took a minute to talk about an area of interest to us that they failed to meet demand in – the Nexus 6. Pichette mentioned that while the phone was very well received as a new phone (he actually called it the “Nexus 7”), they had “real issues” and were “unable to secure sufficient inventory” of it to meet demand. 

You are all familiar with Google’s yearly failure to meet demand, as the Nexus 6, like all Nexus phones before it, has been difficult to acquire since the day it launched. Since Google doesn’t reveal Nexus sales figures, it’s tough to tell if that means they forecasted 50,000 units or 500,000 units or 10 million units. Either way, there is clearly still a draw to Nexus, even if they are somewhat of a niche line. Also, the carrier availability this time around could have helped or hurt the situation.

Maybe next year they’ll get it right?

Here is the full quote:

“While the Nexus 7 [sic] was very well received as a new phone, we had real issues and unable to secure sufficient inventory to meet the demand that we had forecasted.”

Edit:  Clarified in opening that they couldn’t meet demand, not that they forecasted incorrectly.

This post was last modified on January 29, 2015 4:04 pm