Humble Mobile Bundle 10 Now Available, Pay What You Want for 6 Games

Humble Bundle, the service which allows mobile gamers to pick up great Android titles for the low while also giving to charity, is back at it with Humble Mobile Bundle 10.

In this pack, gamers are treated to Buddy & Me, LYNE, and Doodle Kingdom for whatever price you choose. However, if you pay more than the average, which currently sits at $3.73, you gain access to Sorcery! 2, King of Dragon Pass, and OTTTD. 

Of course, all bundles get updated with even more titles, so your initial investment will usually be rewarded handsomely over the next week or two.

Additionally, don’t forget that you can choose a charity to which a portion of the proceeds will go to when you pay. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Humble Bundle Link

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 9:29 am