Haunt the House: Terrortown Gives You One Night to Scare Everyone Out of Your House

Halloween may be past us now, but that does not mean the spooky-themed fun has to end. While cruising through Google Play, I came across a game called Haunt the House: Terrortown, in which you play as a ghost who must possess objects in order to scare a town-full of people. 

The game looks very cartoony, but putting that aside, you fly around the house, trying to raise your haunt meter and scare everyone in sight. If you possess a bass, you start playing the bass. If you possess a tablet, you can make it crash and move around, scaring anyone who might be close. While you are getting your haunt on, remember, you only have a single night to reclaim your territory.

For SHIELD Tablet and Controller owners, you will be happy to learn this game is fully supported by your hardware.

The game costs just $0.99 while it is on sale, so go check it out.

Play Link ($0.99)
