Official Nexus 5 Bumper Cases Now Available for Order From Google Play (Update: QuickCovers Also for Sale)

Nexus 5Nexus 5

Starting today, only a few weeks after the device’s launch, you can finally pick up an official bumper case for the Nexus 5 off of Google Play. They have four different colors available – Red, Black, Yellow, and Gray. 

They will run you $34.99 a pop, so make sure you choose a color you will be happy with.

Update: For those interested, official LG QuickCover cases for the Nexus 5 are also for sale starting today. You can get it in black or white, costing you $49.99. Our only issue with them is that they cover up your Nexus logo, and instead, place an LG logo on the back. Yucky.

Google Play Link: Red | Yellow | Black | Gray | White QuickCover | Black QuickCover

This post was last modified on November 19, 2013 2:56 pm