Moto X Rooted After Camera Update, Get Your adb Ready

moto xmoto x

After receiving the latest camera-improving OTA update for the Moto X, almost everyone lost root access and has not been able to get it back no matter which carrier version you own. If you had been waiting patiently for a new root method, the good news is that your time has come. Thanks to his latest work called RockMyMoto, Justin Case has given you the opportunity to your root your Moto X once again, as long as you are willing to download a new root package and hammer out a couple of adb commands. But you are, right? 

The first two steps involve downloading the file and installing Cydia Impactor. Once you have those ready to “rock,” you have about 8 adb commands to complete in order to root your Moto X. So you’ll need the Android SDK and adb setup if you haven’t done so already. If you are rooting a phone, I’d recommend familiarizing yourself with both going forward.

The adb commands and full instructions can be found at the source link. We’ve also embedded a video of the process as well. Good luck!

Via:  RootzWiki

Cheers Jack3D!

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 11:29 am