Android Distribution Numbers for November: Jelly Bean Creeps Over 50% Mark

android distributionandroid distribution

Over the weekend, the Android team posted the latest round of data collection for their Android distribution chart. Last month we saw Jelly Bean finally creeping towards having a 50% share, a mark that seems to have taken forever to reach. This month, they did indeed crack the 50% mark, with 52.1% of Android devices now running Android 4.1+. Of course, this news comes a day after Google’s announcement of Kit Kat (Android 4.4), so while Jelly Bean adoption has risen, we’ll get to watch the slow incline of Kit Kat for the next two years.

Ice Cream Sandwich dropped to 19.8% from 20.6%, Gingerbread to 26.3% from 28.5%, and Froyo and Honeycomb are hanging on for dear life.

Via:  Android Developers