Vine Updated on Android, Brings Savable Sessions and Time Travel

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Remember Vine? It received an update on Android today, which brings a couple of requested features that should make producing classy vines quite a bit easier. 

Starting today, you can now save draft videos as sessions, which you can go back to later for further filming and tweaking. In addition, you can “time travel,” which allows creators to record a segment, then place it anywhere in between other segments in the same video. This will allow folks the ability to not have to delete segments they wanted to keep, just to get to a single troublemaker segment in a video. Pretty clutch move, Vine.

Sessions — Save any post and come back to it later by tapping the new icon in the bottom right corner of your camera. You can maintain up to 10 open sessions at any time.

Time Travel — Remove, reorganize, or replace any shot at any time. Just tap the green bar while you’re shooting or “Edit” while you’re previewing.

Anyone still using this app?

Play Link

This post was last modified on October 24, 2013 11:47 am