Google Acquires Bump For Undisclosed Amount


This morning, Bump’s CEO announced through an official blog post that Google acquired the company. Back in the early day of Android and iOS devices, Bump was one of those interesting applications that made smartphones appear to be smart. Two users could simply bump their phones together, which would allow them to easily transfer pictures, contact data or other misc. files through the cloud. Nothing actually happened between the two phones except for the sensors in the devices sensing the bump, then sending the data up to the cloud, then placing it in the other users’ account. 

We would guess that the Bump team will start working with Google’s Android Beam team, but no details have been made public yet. For now, Bump claims that all services and applications will continue to be updated and receive support following the acquisition.

It’s always nice when Google gobbles up a semi-big name in the mobile space. Something exciting should come from this.

Via: Bump | The Verge