Google Updates Ingress With 10 Fancy Achievement Badges


Still playing Ingress? If so, you can grab the newest update recently posted to Google Play, complete with new achievement badges. Finally, all of that hard work will count for something. With this new “Agent Achievement” system in the game, you can better track your progression and skills throughout the game. Need to size up the competition? With the new system, you can just check their badges. 

Ten badges will be rolling out over the course of the next few weeks for players to track and earn in the new Ingress player achievement system, including:

  • Explorer – Indicates a player’s visits and hacks of distinct portals.
  • Pioneer – Tracks the capture of distinct Portals
  • Liberator – Tracks the capture of all portals.
  • Purifier – Signals the number of Enemy Resonators destroyed.
  • Hacker – Indicates the number of portals hacked.
  • Guardian – Measures the ability to maintain control of a portal for an extended period of time.
  • Builder – Tracks Resonators deployed.
  • Seer – Indicates new Portals discovered and successfully submitted.
  • Connector – Signals the number of Portals linked.
  • Mind Control – Recognizes the creation of Control Fields.

Play Link

Via: +Ingress

This post was last modified on September 13, 2013 11:27 am