Need some new apps to get you through the week? Yeah, that’s what we thought. If you go look on Google Play, you can find the below-listed apps on sale for a limited time. There are some games such as Amazing Breaker and an SNES emulator app, plus regular productivity apps like Locus Map Pro and an app for fly fishing fans. You know, to help you maximize your time while wading in waist-high water.
Monday Sales:
- Smart Launcher Pro ($1.99)
- Locus Map Pro ($4.49)
- Dropsync Pro Key ($2.49)
- InstaWeather Pro ($0.99)
- Animaonline SNES Emulator ($0.99)
- ROM Toolbox Pro ($2.99)
- Dodonpachi Resurrection ($5.99)
- Espgaluda ($5.99)
- Amazing Breaker ($0.99)
- Orvis Fly FIshing ($3.99)
- Bike Repair ($2.92)
Go support some developers.
This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 8:40 am