Google Reportedly Testing “Hyperlocal” Google Now Card

nexus 7 google nownexus 7 google now

Google Now already shows a lot of cards to users. There are cards for sports, weather, nearby places and so much more. There is currently a national news card, but nothing that focuses on news that is happening in your own neighborhood. According to Quartz, Google has confirmed to them that they are working on a “hyperlocal” Google Now card, capable of bringing users news that is based on the time of day and their current location. 

So far, it is reported that the card is up and running internally at Google, but is still in early beta stages. As for when it will be available for all, there’s no say. One Googler touched on what the company is looking to accomplish with this new hyperlocal feature:

It teaches me things about my neighborhood. For example, I found out Miss Mexico came to my son’s school, I saw that Chipotle was giving out burritos, and someone was stabbed in the park near my house. It’s very, very targeted to you and your interests.

If Google Now starts telling me where I can get free food, then this sounds like my kind of card. Fingers crossed.

Via: Quartz

This post was last modified on July 31, 2013 1:49 pm