HTC Releases Kernel Source for One “Google Play Edition”

Galaxy S4 HTC One Google Play EditionsGalaxy S4 HTC One Google Play Editions

Just as the “Google Play Edition” of the HTC One went live in the Google Play store, HTC went ahead and posted the kernel source for the device. Listed as the “One Special Edition,” you can tell that this is the Google Play Edition thanks to the carrier being “Open Market,” the region showing as “Google WWE,” and type listed as “Stock UI.”

Update:  They have since fixed the site to show “Google Play Edition.”

Hackers and tinkerers, go get some.

Oh, and Galaxy S4 Google Play Edition soon-to-be-owners, they dropped their kernel source earlier in the week. Link down below.

Via:  HTC Dev | Samsung

This post was last modified on June 26, 2013 12:14 pm