HTC One “Nexus Experience” Confirmed by Sundar Pichai, Available June 26 for $599

htc one googlehtc one google

Sundar Pichai is on stage at D11 this morning, and right out of the gate announced that they will sell an HTC One “Nexus Experience” through Google Play on June 26 for $599. This device was rumored and denied and rumored again shortly after Samsung and Google announced their “Nexus Experience” edition of the Galaxy S4 at I/O, but over the last week, rumors picked up that HTC would indeed be offering a similar experience on their newest flagship. Today, that rumor is confirmed. 

Update:  Hugo Barra just confirmed it on G+ as well, along with the beautiful image of it at the top of this post.

Update 2:  HTC has also announced the device now. We’re looking at the 32GB version of the HTC One, running stock Android, capable of running on T-Mobile and AT&T LTE, for $599 through Google Play. The device is running Android 4.2.2, has an unlockable bootloader, and somehow keeps Beats Audio (even though it’s stock).

Via:  AllThingsD

This post was last modified on May 30, 2013 10:41 am