Ingress Receives Update to 1.26, Brings Added Notifications and Portal Info


This afternoon, Google and the team at Niantic Labs pushed out a major update for their hit game, Ingress. Inside the update, version number 1.26, information on portal health and faction controls are placed in the inventory carousel, as well the much-needed addition of notifications for portal attacks, neutralization and @codename messages. 

If you still have yet to try out Ingress, make sure to head to their forums and request as it is still a closed beta application.

What’s New:

  • Portal health and faction control info on Portal Keys in the Inventory carousel.
  • Android Notifications for “Portal under attack,” “Portal neutralized,” and “@<codename>” messages.
  • Support for Jarvis Virus and ADA Refactor objects.
  • New Recharge visual animation.
  • Bug fixes

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