Samsung CEO: Sales of Galaxy S4 to Exceed 10 Million In Less Than a Month


According to Samsung’s CEO, J.K. Shin, the Galaxy S4 is putting in some serious work. In numbers, the Galaxy S3 passed ten million in sales after 50 days on the market last year. The Galaxy S4, their newest flagship device which isn’t even on America’s largest carrier yet, is said to pass ten million in less than a month next week. 

We are confident that we will pass more than 10 million sales of the S4 next week. It is selling much faster than the previous model S3. Samsung spent 50 days to pass the 10 million sales mark for the S3. The S4 will be Samsung’s first ’10 million seller’ device less than a month after its official debut.

It’s clear they have found the winning formula for themselves. Have you pre-ordered your S4 on Verizon yet?

Via: Android Beat